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4 Reasons why People in America were so upset by John Lennon's "Jesus Statement"

4 Reasons why People in America were so upset by John Lennon’s “Jesus Statement”
By Sara Schmidt
August 2, 1966

                50 years ago The Beatles’ music was banned and countess Beatles’ records were burned as a response to a statement John Lennon made to an English newspaper.   John’s “Jesus statement” controversy has been analyzed and written about numerous times over the years that there is no need to rehash the story; however, what I wanted to understand is WHY Americans got so upset over a remark made by a pop star in a teen magazine.  But before we discover why, let’s look at a little background information first.

                Maureen Cleeve was a journalist and friend of the Beatles.  During the spring of 1965, she interviewed all four Beatles and Brian Epstein separately at their homes for a series of articles that were published in the London Evening Standard in March of 1966.   Parts of John’s article, which included his quote about Jesus, was also published in the San Francisco Chronicle that same month.    Tony Barrow offered the four Beatles articles to Art Unger of Datebook magazine.  The Beatles particularly liked Datebook because it was much more progressive than the other teen magazines of the day.   It featured stories about race relations, teenage pregnancy and the effects of LSD among the latest news about music and film stars.    Unger purchased the rights to the articles and saved the stories on John and Paul for the September 1966 issue, which came out on July 31, 1966.   This issue was called the “shout-out” issue and it featured proactive quotes from seven people including John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

                In Birmingham, Alabama WAQY radio DJ’s Tommy Charles and Doug Layton went on the air talking about what John Lennon had said in Datebook as part of their morning show.   They regularly read headlines from newspapers and magazines and discussed them.   They made a decision after receiving a few calls from listeners to ban all Beatles records on their radio station.  A reporter from UPI heard the broadcast and wrote about the Beatle banning in a story that was published in newspapers around the country.   As the story spread, more radio stations banned the Beatles’ music.  Teenagers started to express anger over what was said.   Beatle burnings were planned for former fans to get rid of their Beatles collections and the Ku Klux Klan were burning Beatles records that were nailed onto crosses and speaking out against the band.

                Why was there such a furor?   Why did so many Americans get so upset by a pop star saying that his band is more popular than Jesus.?

1.         Most people neither understood what John said nor what he meant
A lot of Americans, including Tommy Charles, never read the Maureen Cleeve article.  While Datebook printed the article in its entirety (except for the introduction), the people only heard the most shocking parts.  John said that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus;” however, many believed he said that the Beatles were “bigger than Jesus,” which has a totally different meaning.  They did not understand that John was not talking about people in America, but was speaking about the Church of England, which had seen a drastic decline in numbers.  

2.        They took John’s statement personally and they were hurt by it.
One girl who was interviewed by Richard Lindly for the ITV news story, “Reporting ‘66” really explained this when she said, “A lot of people are ‘good Baptists’ down here.  Everythign about religion they take very personally.”    In the same story, another girl tells Lindly, “It hurt people’s feelings. People used to think so much of them because they were for the teenager and everybody thought they were so good.  And then they came out with something like this.  It sounds like they are making fun of everything we like.”    One girl was asked by a reporter in St. Louis, Missouri about her thoughts on the matter and she said, “I liked the Beatles when they first came out, but when they said what they did about Christ, I was hurt and I don’t care for them anymore.”  

The people who felt this way were fans that admired The Beatles, but also considered themselves Christians.  They felt that by saying that by saying that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus that John was bragging that the Beatles were better than Christ, an idea that insulted their core beliefs.   It hurt their feelings and angered them.  In some places teens were forced between The Beatles and Jesus, a choice that they blamed The Beatles for making them have to choose.

3.        It was Anti-American
At first glance, the thought of a group of British singers being called “Anti-American” is laughable.  However, those who felt this way were very serious.   From their point of view, the Beatles became popular and made all of their money because of their American fans.  John’s statement was an insult to Christian and therefore towards America, the place that made them famous.   In “Reporting ‘66” one girl adamantly proclaimed, “I’m a Christian!  So many people have built buildings in the name of Christ.  What have the Beatles done for us?  We’ve done more for them!  We don’t owe them a thing.  We shouldn’t just sit back and take it.”   One person wrote a letter to the Chattanooga Free Press stating, “Americans favor the bais of the religion that founded our country, not a group of young men suffering from a serious lack of responsibility, respect and Moravian conviction.”    And one woman named Patti told the Desert News, “It is disgusting how the Beatles think they are so cool that they can say anything they want about the religious beliefs of the majority of Americans then come over to our country and take in fabulous sums of money.  They seem to think that they can trample over us and in everything we believe in and still be put on a golden pedestal for us to admire and worship as idols.”  

4.        The statement John Lennon made would turn teenagers into atheists and communists. 
In 1966 America, 98% of the  adult citizens said they believed in God.   Times were changing and there was a fear that the next generation would turn their back on religion.  In April of that year Time magazine’s cover declared, “God is Dead,” which did not help this fear.   Closely linked to atheism was the fear of communism.   While the “red scare” of the 1950’s had mostly died down, there was still some lingering fear, especially in the Southern states that communism would one day take over the United States.   Knowing that pop stars held a strong influence on teenagers, many of the older generation feared for their children’s future after hearing about John’s remarks.  A man named Raymond told the Dessert News, “If what John Lennon said is what the Beatles believe, their belief is a high degree of atheism.   If this is so, then they should keep their beliefs to themselves while in the U.S.”   Robert Shelton, the grand wizard of the KKK told Lindly, “These individuals want to vilify Christ and come to America and still continue collecting sums of money.  I think this is a dangerous trend because I think they are concerned with the development of socialism which once you have socialism in action, it graduated into communism.

50 years later these ideas seem somewhat silly.  Many people got swept up in the drama of it all and followed the crowd.  There are some who anonymously today confess that they threw their Beatles albums in the fire during the excitement of the moment only to regret it and purchase them all over again in the following weeks.

                There were also Americans that did not approve of the boycotts.  Loyal fans that agreed or didn’t care what John said and continued to purchase Beatles records and defend the Beatles in magazines and newspapers come out in droves to support the Fab 4.  

                There also was a group of people that disliked what John said.  They thought he was an arrogant jerk for making such a bold statement, but they also believed that he had the right to state his opinion without being terrorized or boycotted.  As one girl in St. Louis said, “It’s his opinion and it’s wrong, but since it is his opinion they shouldn’t band their records and things.”  And another said, “I thought it was a rather vain thing for him to say, but I don’t think it should affect his performance any.”

                50 years later John’s Jesus statement is still something that is discussed and written about.  In 2010 the Vatican made an announcement that the Church forgave John for saying  such a statement.   

                It is hard to believe that such a small statement could make such a controversy; however this phenomenon happens with people even more so today with the advent of the internet.   

Aaron Wilbury?

Record Time

Where are the screaming girls?

Between two Lennon's

U.S. vs. John Lennon (documentary) - Review

10 years ago I went to a movie theater and saw the documentary, The U.S. vs. John Lennon for the first time.    At that time I had the infant version of this blog on myspace (remember myspace?) where I posted photos and did reviews.  I think I had about 50 followers.   I reviewed the film and I remember stating how I spent more time memorized by the new footage in the film that it was hard to actually pay attention to the film.    

Photo I took outside of the movie theater in 2006

Since I have just read the Leon Wildes book (review coming soon), I wanted to watch the DVD of The U.S. vs. John Lennon.   Overall it is a good film.   Yoko looks amazing in the movie and she comes across very intelligent and thoughtful.     She usually impresses me when she is interviewed for documentaries, but I especially enjoyed Yoko in this one.     I thought they did a nice job of keeping John's input alive in the film through a variety of clips from over the years.    Also a good selection of people from the early 1970's in John Lennon's life was interviewed so you were able to hear all sides of the story.         The clips that were used were great and the highlight of the film.   I loved seeing John coming and going into the INS office and the footage of him getting his green card is amazing!

I thought too much time was spent on John's activities prior to coming to the United States in 1971.  I understand that background information was necessary, but way too much time was spent on the Bed-in and Bagism and things along those lines because there are other films that just focus on the Bed-in and while it is important to the story, it was just too long.    I wanted to watch and hear more about the immigration hearings and see more footage and photos from that time instead.      There was one man that was interviewed that made a very bold statement about how John Lennon equates to life and Nixon and Bush lead to death.     I remember when I heard that in 2006, and I thought "wow--that is pretty bold," but today, in 2016, it just seems like an outdated statement.       I wish he had left Bush out of the statement because it just takes us out of John and Yoko in the 1970's and suddenly puts us in a decade where John isn't alive.

  I personally didn't like the film ending with the gun shots and John's death.    I would have loved to have ended it with John smiling with his green card, however that isn't' very realistic.   I know that the filmmakers had to go further and include his murder and maybe what I really don't like is that John was murdered.   That he worked so hard to get his green card and stay in the United States just to be killed in the country that he struggled to be in.    I didn't like the feeling of the harsh reality of it all, which isn't to blame the film in any way, because they can't change how John's story ended.

I have heard that The U.S. vs. John Lennon is being shown on television here in the U.S. on cable channels.   It is worth watching, especially if you are a John Lennon fan and want to see some rare interview and news clips.   But just be expected to shake your head at what happens in this country and for a very tragic and sad ending.

Water Wings

Another photographer

10 years of Love

Thoughtful John

Teenagers try to interview Beatles

Since I have started this blog, I have been on the lookout for fan photos of Brian Esptein.   I knew  fans met him and got his autograph and photo, but I never had much luck in this quest until yesterday when I found this great newspaper story posted on the Mr. Brian Epstein tumblr blog.    I h ave to give the blog master of this blog all of the credit for all of this send all of my thanks to this blog!  If you are a Brian fan (and who isn't?) then check out this blog.

To be able to read the story, please click below and it will become larger. 

Yoko gets a boost

Heading home

Beatles Beach Frolic


The photographer just happened upon the Beatles during their photoshoot on the beach in Miami Beach in February 1964 and snapped a few shots for her nieces.  

the boys backstage

Ram away

Looking through Rocky

Arriving in Hollard

Let me tell you a secret...I am not really lost.

the glamours life

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