Channel: Meet the Beatles for Real
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Special thanks to Bruno for sending this great backstage photo for the blog.  

The Beatles are Top of the Pops

A moment with George

You Gave me the Answer

This story comes from a Fanzine called "The Beatles Yesterday and Today" from the February-June 1976 issue. 

I wasn't sure about posting this story because I knew it could be a bit "controversial."   However, I think for the sake of  Paul McCartney/Wings history it is good to read about what was happening through the eyes of fans that were there.      So I do ask that you don't pass judgement in the comments section about the fans.   In case the fans mentioned in the story are embarrassed in any way, I decided to change their names and I didn't post any of the photos that I have from this time that had a fan in the photo.

January 21 through February 29, 1976

My one regret was not keeping a diary of what I would consider the greatest five weeks of my life.  There were so many special moments and I’m certain I’ll never be able to recapture them and especially the feelings that went along with them.  I arrived in London January 21 and checked into my hotel, then tried to sleep a couple hours.  All that went through my mind was to see Paul McCartney, so I went to Cavendish (his home).  There seemed to be no life and I was rather afraid to be there alone, although I’d done it in 68, 69, 70 and 71.  I walked over to EMI recording studios.  There were 5 girls and I asked if they were there to see Paul.  They nodded and showed me pix.   Beena  (an Indian girl) and Rita (who claimed to be from Liverpool) and I went to a liquor store and bought a bottle, then returned to EMI and proceeded to get high.  During the evening, Linda left to tend to the kids and by then I was smashed and when she returned, I begged her to let me in to watch.  I admit I became quite a nuisance.  She was nice all the while.  Later Allan Crowder (assistant manager to Paul) took me to the toilet.  Next thing I knew, I was on Paul’s porch and the burglar alarm was ringing.  The Bobbies came and roughed me up and I was crying.  It was awful.  Susan  told me (days later) that Linda had come to see if I had left because she was rather afraid for Paul. 

Needless to say, I felt like dying the next day.  Stayed in bed until 3.  Didn’t go that day, however, Friday the 23rd I went.  Just Sue was there and she told me Linda was very upset about that night and I should apologize.  I had planned to.  I was so nervous.  Luckily, Paul drove up alone (a rarity) and while waiting for the guard to open the gates, gave me a look to send me to heaven.  I was a new face and he smiled and said good morning to us.  I remember (and captured it on film) all the facial gestures he made upon the guard opening the fence.   We walked in the car park and he was in a hurry.  I just took pictures and Janet had him sign the Paul McCartney Story book.  I remember him pointing that he had to go in.  He was late and had an interview.  He looked rather sloppy with a blue patterned shirt hanging out of his trousers and a tan vest shorter than the shirt.  Had on black or navy blue trousers and a short brown leather jacket.  Also had a small sore on his nose between his eyebrows.  He ran in.  a bit later Linda walked and I hid behind Sue.   She’s 5’1” and I’m 5’4” so it was a bit difficult.  She smiled and finally moved her head around Sue and said, “and how are you today?”   I went to her and said, “I want to apologize.  I feel so bad about it.  I cried all yesterday and was so depressed.”  She kept saying, “I know,” and held out her hand to shake mine was a truce.  Then she said, “It’s OK, we all do it now and then.”  As she turned to leave, I asked for a pic and she posed, then said, “Life’s hard, isn’t it?”  I agreed, “Yeah, it sure is.”

 I rarely went in the evenings, to avoid being a pest.  Weekends they normally cancelled.  Next time I had seen Paul was by accident.  Usually they arrived at the studios between 2 and 3.  I’d come to St. John’s Wood at 11:30 to look for a place to eat.  Walked down Abbey Road twice.  The 2nd time there was his purple mini and Paul and Linda starting up the stairs.  I walked towards the car park and Linda saw me.  I meekly said, “Can I take some pictures?”  Certain they hadn’t heard me.  Linda said, ‘that’s Cynthia,” and Paul put his hands in his pockets and remarked, “So this is Cynthia?”  I felt a little like a legend and told him I felt embarrassed.  He was so nice.  Linda said, “She’s apologized.”  They posed for pix and I remember Linda directing me to take one from “over there.”  Paul asked if I was on holiday and I said “yeah.”  He asked if I liked it there and I said, “yeah”  (what a conversation).  I had said something like, “Haven’t been getting drunk.”  Also told him I was going broke and he  said, “already?”  A girl came in the car park with a wild hairdo (It was Jojo) and Paul said, “don’t we look fancy today?”  I had started, “could you sign..” by then Linda was up the stairs and Paul was to follow but stopped and said, “Sure.”  All I had was a pic of Joan where she was hamming it up and handed it to him.  He signed Paul McCartney and asked him to put “To Cynthia” on it.  He told Linda, “Go on, I’ll be in in a minute.”   She didn’t like it.  While he was signing, I said, “If you turn it over, you’ll have a heart attack.”  He did and looked a long time, saying it was lovely and who was it.  Linda yelled, “It’s probably her husband.”  (The word husband was emphasized).  He had a tee shirt on, tan vest, navy blue trousers and navy blue coat.  He carried a brown leather jacket. He went in and I walked down a few blocks.  Ten minutes later, they were driving down the street and he waved to me.   Couple hours later I went back to see them go in.  They signed autographs and I asked to be in a pic with them.  Linda said, “OK”, and I got in between them.  She became upset and want to his other said saying, “I wanna be by the man, too.”  He put his arm around me and it was beautiful. 

From here on in, I cannot remember days or any sort of sequences.  Just happenings and some things he wore thanks to my photos.  One day we met a guy who’d been an old friend of Pauls’ (worked with him on AHND).  He talked quite a while with Paul so I got several pix that day.  Linda constantly clutched Paul and commented, “Go Cynthia go” while I clicked away.  She done that twice in the 5 weeks there.  Another day, a creepy girl came by and when Paul pulled in the car park, she blocked his door so he could hardly get out.  She asked to kiss him and he said, “You want me to get in trouble with my wife?”  When they went up the steps, I said, “Oh, and I only had 3 pix left to take.”  They turned around and smiled for me to get another few.  Paul almost always wore a long navy blue coat and long maroon scarf.   Several days, he remarked about the weather.  Once it was freezing and he said, “Good ole sunny Britain.”  And another time it was pouring rain and he said, “Nice weather..for ducks.”  There was a time Paul had the flu and hadn’t shown up for 5 days.  We put get-well cards in his mail slot.  When he came back to work, he thanked us for them.  One night, I asked if he had a cough drop (as he had given some to my friends a few nights before) and he said, “No…I don’t.”  Someone said we’d all had sore throats and he said he had tonsillitis.   He said to me, “You should drink your orange juice.”  That night I brought him some TUNES (English cough drops) and he started singing the commercial for it.  A couple times Paul drove and when they reached the gates, Linda took over and Paul would go get the guard.  Once he returned and I asked if I could have a special autograph.  “Special?”  he smiled and did one.  “To Cynthia, love Paul McCartney.”  Sue was next to him and he posed for pic with her.  Another time I asked to be in a pic with him and said, “ A quick one.” And Paul hammed it up.   One day, Mrs. Mills (famous English pianist) was there and Paul kissed her in her car.  He wore his cream-colored “BOYO” trousers, light blue shirt and beige jacket with an ARF pin.   Once he did a cute dance and I missed it with my camera and asked him to do it again.  He said, “You hafta be quick.”  He didn’t it again, anyhow.  

A friend of mine sent me a John Lennon pix for Paul to sign (one she had taken since she hadn’t any of Paul).  He started to, and then looked at it and because very angry.  “Why should I sign it?”  I tried to speak and he repeated, ‘Why should I sign it?” and turned his back, walking off.  I felt like dying.  I never expected a reply like that as I figured they were friends and everything was OK.  I wrote a letter apologizing and explaining and he seemed nice again.  Days later I had him sign one of himself that my friend dug up and he turned it over to make sure it was of him.  Then he said, “Is this yours?”  I said, “No, George took it.  George Tebbens from Chicago.  You know him.”   He nodded and signed.  Then looked up at me with those x-ray eyes that go right through you.  “No, you thought I said ‘did you take it,’ but I meant was it your picture.”   (I know it doesn’t make sense but we both kept on talking on different levels, neither of us understanding what the to her said.  I’ve analyzed it and think it could possibly mean that since I tried to have him sign the pic of J.L. and then explained in the letter it wasn’t mine, that he was  asking if THIS pic was mine.)  Does that make sense?  Nevermind.

Once I asked about the tour, if he’d be doing Indianapolis and Milwaukee.  He said, “Yeah, Indianapolis, but not sure of the other.”  Another time a girl brought a big card for him to sign that she was going to present to David Cassidy, and he signed, ‘all the breast, Dave.”  Get it?  Instead of all the best.  The creepy girl (previously mentioned) showed up other times and had to nerve to jam a radio in Paul’s ear to ask if he liked the song playing (O what a Night), he said “What is it?  Oh, the Four Seasons…yeah I like it.”  She also asked (sit down) if he needed a baby sitter. What a laugh and I don’t know how he managed to keep for bursting.  I got several shots that day and remember he really eyed me from head to toe (probably bored and nothing else to do).  Another time, some old fans came around and he remembered them from years before and asked if they had boyfriends yet and how they were.  Once I had him sign a hangover book.  He looked at it and said, “Hangover book…hmmm…I could tell you a thing or 2 about them,”  and I said, “Yeah , I know, I’m suffering from one right now,”  (I was) and he remarked “A girl of your tender age shouldn’t know about them.” 

One evening I asked for an autograph.   He and Linda had walked that night and he had dark glasses on and was a bit high.  He said, “And who’s this for?”  (Linda wanted to go in the car park right away, but he stopped to talk to us).  One other thing I just remembered was that time I had Paul sign his pic and we had that ridiculous  conversation…well, Linda drove the car in and almost hit me.   He put his hand on my arm to move me out of the way and save me.   (My hero).  Okay, returning to “And who’s this for?”  He looked up and said, “Oh, it’s for Cynthia..and what is your name little girl?”  Linda remarked “Bonnie Bluebells.”  One night we got tired of being a drag, so we rehearsed (4 of us) a dance routine.  Linked arms and kicked our legs in the air and sang, “You gave me the answer.”  We were right in the front of the door and he loved it.  Linda looked bored.  He clapped in rhythm and pointed dramatically to us, and said we were great.  He said he was sorry he wasn’t holding auditions that night.  

There were 2 Japanese guys and he was correcting their English, “You came to England from Japan, not from England to Japan.”  And it’s “please, not prease.”  He kept emphasizing the L.   One got it and he said, “You’re a winner.”  A week before their last recording session, there were bomb threats and we weren’t allowed in the car park.  Also, Linda (who’d become bored of us), left a note asking to not let us in any longer.  She’s extremely moody and jealous.  When they arrived, Paul noticed us not moving towards him and he walked to us.  She ran to his side and grabbed his arm.  He wanted to say something, but seemed very confused.  I asked, “When’s your last night as we’d like to celebrate.”   Linda shouted “Yesterday!” and tossed her head back.  Paul tried to say something, but she interrupted, “Yesterday---go and celebrate”  He muttered, but we never found out what it was.  We felt b ad as they walked away.  Paul kept turning to talk to us and she yanked him up the stairs like she was his mom.  Half-hour later, she came out and was sweet as pie.  “We’ll be a few hours.  You should go home and have some tea.  We don’t want you sick.” 

Once a girl asked for a kiss on the autograph (you know, an X) and he thought she meant a physical one and he said, “I can’t” then she explained.  One night I didn’t come and he told my friends, “See you tomorrow at Chinese Dentist.”  They looked puzzled, and he said, “Chinese Dentist,” pointed to his teeth, “Tooth-Hurty”  One thing I remember clearly is now Linda called me Cyn  a lot and in the beginning seemed friendly.  Towards the middle she just walked off and left Paul out there with us, and he felt very awkward.   Just used to her hanging on him all of the time.  She would walk up the stairs with a pissed look on her face, he he’d kind of glance around like he had to make an excuse to her or assure her he’d only be a minute.    Once I was trying to take a pix and a pic signed.  Linda was next to me and I shoved it to her and said, “Will you hold this?”  She said, “Anything for you, Cyn.”  Minutes later she said to Paul in an old lady’s voice, “Will you sign this for me?”   He did. 

There is so much more and I could shoot myself for not remembering.  It is funny how clearly I remember the first and last days.  The last, we were, as usual, not allowed in the car park.  The night before, a girl had created a bit of a scene by getting drunk and sick and he had associated us with it all.  When he got out of the car the next day, he said, “You feeling better?”  I said, innocently,  “We weren’t sick.”  He walked up the steps and turned around.  We looked miserable, and he sense our depression.  We couldn’t come to him and he was obviously being yanked.   He put his fingers to his mouth and gestured a smile to us, like “come on girls, smile”.  We smiled back.  That was February 29.  Their last night.  Later, his kids came for a bit.  Mary had a long skirt on and stopped while going up the stairs to pull her socks up.  She looked tiny.   Heather was in jeans and is growing so fast.  Stella was in a light blue Sunday coat and a dress.  We were wrapped in a blanket and under an umbrella as it started to rain.  When Linda came back from taking the kids back home, without hesitation she came over to us, “Are you freezing?”  “Yeah.”  “Why so sad?”  Somebody said, “It’s your last night.”  “Oh, that’s not really it.  Life goes on.”   What it really was, was Beena (the Indian girl I mentioned earlier) who’d only come a few times, had gotten in good with the band and got in.  It nearly killed us because she couldn’t really care less.  So I said, “No, that’s not really it.  We’ve been standing out here for 2 months and can’t get in and then some girl that hardly cares, sleeps with one of the members of the band and gets in.”   I was surprised I said it, but we were all glad I did.  She asked, “Who’s this?”  “You may know her.  She’s Indian and her name is Beena.”   “Who’s she been with?”  “Jimmy.”  The corker was her answer to that.  “You should never try for a rock star…it never lasts….”   She was very nice about it and I later realized that’s how she got with Paul (in a sense), so my remark about sleeping with a band member couldn’t meant her, but I didn’t mean in that way and thankfully she didn’t take it that way.   I don’t think she stopped to think when she made her final remark either, or could she be telling us something?   Anyway, it was the most lovely time of my life and I’ve no regrets.  Some of the news I found out through this visit is as follows:

European tour:  March 20 thru the end of March.  Will hit Copenhagen, Berlin, Rotterdam and Paris.  Some of the new lp will be done on the tour.
New LP name:  Speed o Sound.   I have all of the titles but not with me and will wait for Paul to release them.  Anyway, supposed to be a lot of mushy love songs.  Joe and Denny and Jimmy get their own songs.
U.S. tour:  Starts March 31 to June 2.  NY will be their last gig.  3 home bases:  Chicago, Fort Worth and New Orleans.
Linda is learning to drive and has her provisional license.  Still, she drives without a licensed driver.  Her  new book will be released in October.

Much more news but my mind is blank and some of it I’d rather not say.  Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this bit of unorganized ___________.  Once, again, I want to thank Paul for being so loveable and making this trip the greatest event of my life.

(This was hand written)

Once, I dropped my mittens and Paul pointed and said, “Who’s are these?”  I said, “Mine, that’s ok, leave them there.”  But he bend and picked them up for me saying, “Someone’s lost their boots” and handed them to me.   Also, once he pulled up, got out to open the gates and said, “and who are you waiting for?” I teased, “Gary Glitter,” He said “Really?  Is he recording today?”  “Naw…” I felt stupid. 

Goodbye Henry


Sad to hear of the passing of Henry McCullough today.   He was an amazing guitar player and key member of early Wings.     I met him at the Fest for Beatle fans in 2012 and I thought I had him sign something for me, but I alas I must not have because I couldn't find anything with his name on it.  When I think of Henry, I think of him on the James Paul McCartney TV special playing "Big Barn Bed." where we learn that he favorite color is green (naturally) and that he hates getting up early and filling out questionnaires.    He will be missed!  

Sgt. Pepper party


On December 4, 1967 John attending the premiere of the Jonathan Haugue Exhibition.  I assume Jonathan in the guy that John is chatting with in the photos.

With the Mayor of the Munchkin City


Seriously though---who is the man with Yoko and John?     When and where was this taken?

Hey Bulldog

Strange but True: Neil Aspinall and Mona Best


One of the stranger things that has came out over the years would be the relationship between Neil Aspinall and Mona Best.     Their relationship and child was hush-hush in Liverpool at the time with few people knowing the truth, although there were rumors going wild.      It wasn't until after Mona's death in 1988 that the story started to slowly get out and then 10 years later a book was published  that told about it.    And while today most fans know that Neil and Mona were an item, it is still an interesting footnote to Beatles history.

Neil Aspinall had been friends with Paul and George since they were in school together.   He and Paul were in the same class, but he was also friends with George and they both smoked their first cigarette together (ironically and sadly they both died as a result of smoking).     Neil went to school for accounting, but like most young guys during that time, enjoyed hearing music and would go hear his friends play at the Casbah Coffee Club, which was owned by Mona Best and her family.

To make extra money and since her home on Hayman's Green was very large, Mona would house boarders.    After getting to know Mona and her family, Neil became a boarder in their home.   In 1960 Neil was 19 years old and Mona was 36.

Mona Best was married to Johnny Best, who was a boxing promoter in Liverpool.   (Interestingly Pete Best is the only child of Mona and Johnny).     When the couple first met in India, Mona was studying to be a doctor.  Instead, she moved to Liverpool after her marriage to Best in 1944 and was a housewife.   It has been said that Johnny did not approve of Mona's carefree and what we now would think of as "feminist" ways.    She was independent and took it upon herself to purchase the large home on Hayman's Green by pawning jewelry and betting on a winning racehorse behind her husband's back.    She also opened the Casbah for teenagers in the cellar of their home without her husband's blessing.

By the time Neil came to live in the home, Johnny and Mona were somewhat separated.   Johnny was  traveling for his boxing job and was not home very often.   He refused to give Mona a divorce even though the couple had drifted apart.

No one knows for sure how or when the romantic relationship began between the two, or how much others knew about it.    Neil and Pete Best became close friends and along with the close friendship he had with Paul and George, he quit his accounting job and became the road manager for the Beatles, driving them to gigs.  

By the spring of 1962, it was obvious that Mona Best, who was 38, was excepting a baby.   This caused a lot of gossiping because everyone knew that Johnny had not been around in a very long time.  However, no one questioned Mona about the baby.   Victor  Roag Best was born on July 21, 1962.    Wanting to make sure that her child was legitimate, Mona decided to list Johnny Best as the child's father and give him the same surname as everyone else in the family    

However, another big change was about to happen in the Best family when on August 16, 1962, Pete Best was fired from the Beatles.    Neil was with Pete at the time of the sacking and the two had some pints in the Grapes afterwards to drown their sorrows.     Brian Epstein assumed that Neil would pledge his allegiance to the Best family (and who would have blamed him?) and lined up a new man to take Neil's place as the Beatles' road manager.    However, Neil remained friends with Pete and involved with Mona and still worked for the Beatles.

Many things I have read said that Neil moved out of Mona's home and they broke up directly after Pete was out of the Beatles, however I am not sure if that is totally correct.     Neil may have moved out of the home, however he still was there often.    He would store the Beatles' equipment in the home and at times John, Paul, George and Ringo would be sitting in the van outside of the house while Neil ran inside to grab some equipment.  

Once Neil came to London, his relationship with Mona did not end.    There are several stories about Mona coming and visiting Neil at his flat in 1963.    But the relationship between them was over for good once Neil met Suzy in 1964.   They were married in 1968 and remained married for 40 years until Neil's death.

Strangely, even though Mona was very vocal about how upset she was about the Beatles' sacking her son and she blamed it all on the jealousy of the others because of Pete's good looks, she STILL remained on friendly terms with the Fab 4.    And while none of the Beatles spoke to Pete Best after he was sacked, they still spoke to his mother.    Mona loaned John Lennon her father's war medals, which he wore on the cover of the Sgt. Pepper album.    John was so thankful that he returned the medals along with the music award that is also seen on the cover and the same year they also sent her an "All you Need is Love" doll.     Maybe the fact that Mona was the mother of Neil's son had something to do with this?

For many year Roag denied the rumors that Neil Aspinall was his father.    But in recent years, Neil has been very proud to say that he is the son of Mona Best and Neil Aspinall.  

The ins and outs of the Beatles' circle is enough that a soap opera could have been written about it!

What a drag


I tried to fix this damaged photo that I bought, but it just didn't work.   I was able to fix a few others from this set, but this one couldn't be fix.   What a drag.

Harry's birthday

Only one person is a great singer and song-writer as well as best friends with John Lennon and Ringo Starr while all the time being the head of the "uh-oh files."  And that person is none other than Harry Nilsson.     Harry fit right into the Beatles somehow with his great voice and interesting song lyrics and as well as his crazy personality. 

Today would have been Harry's 75th birthday and so I thought we'd celebrate a little with some photos of Harry.

And with the way things are in my country these days, I must stand with Harry and his desire to end gun violence.    I admire the passion he had for this cause from the time we lost John until Harry's own death---he never stopped fighting to end violence caused by guns.    

Bow-tie Ringo

Loading gear into the Cavern


There was a bit of a buzz on facebook about this photo, with some people thinking that the Beatles are in the photograph and that is the Beatles' van being unloaded.

However---I just think it was another Mersey Band getting ready for a Cavern Club show.

Claypool Lennon Delirium --- A concert Review

This past Sunday I saw The Claypool Lennon Delirium in concert at the Pageant in St. Louis.    I am not going to lie, the only reason I wanted to see the concert what because I wanted to see one of John Lennon's children in person.      And while I am sure some music purists out there think that is a terrible thing, I am willing to bet that I am not the only person that goes to see Sean Lennon for the exact same reason.       I didn't have any idea who Les Claypool (who is perform along with Sean) actually was by name.     Come to find out, he is the bass player for the 1990's band, Primus.   My college roommate loved Primus and I became familiar and enjoy the music with the funky bass lines.

As my mom and I stood in line to enter the Pageant, it became apparent that this wasn't a "Beatles" crowd.   Most of the people in the line were 30-something guys with bushy beards, hair in a bun, glasses and a Primus t-shirt.    And during the concert, Les Claypool got a LOT more cheers than Sean Lennon.    I don't know why I found that surprising, but it was somewhat unexpected.

The opening act was a group called Chicano Batman.   There are a Latino alternative band that has a lot of energy and they are very animated.     They sang a lot of their songs in Spanish but there were also some in English.    While they put on a great performance, I personally didn't care for their style of music.

Then it was time for the Claypool Lennon Delrium.    Sean Lennon came out first.  He was wearing a black Sgt. Pepper style hat, a black shirt with a vest and dark pants.    His hair is long and he has a full beard and wears glasses.       Les Claypool came out next and everyone went wild.  

Before I went to the concert, I had read that they played "psychedelic" music.   I am not sure if that is really what I would consider it to be, but it was a different style of music.     It was sort of funky with the strong bass line.    Sean was an amazing lead guitar player.    Both Sean and Les sang, but I would say that Sean did more of the singing than Les.    There were times when Sean's voice sounded a lot like his Dad, and then at other times it didn't.        I think this is because they would put different filters on the microphones to get a variety of vocal sounds.   I should also mention that besides Sean and Les, there was also a keyboard and drum player.

As a devoted fan of John Lennon, it was extremely awesome to see the child of John and Yoko in person.    There were times, especially when Sean was standing back in the shadows with his head down, that you would have swore it was John Lennon up there on stage during the concert at Lyceum in 1969.   Sean showed a lot of talent in not just singing and guitar playing but in his stage presence and how he handled himself on stage.   He seemed comfortable up there and enjoyed joking back and forth with Les during the show.

A lot of the songs had really long instrumentals in the middle of them.    I know a LOT of people love this, but at any concert where there are long instrumentals, I tend to zone out.    I was really enjoying one of their songs called "Oxycontin girl" but then found myself spacing out and not paying attention during the extended instrumental.   I enjoyed it for a while, but those things just don't interest me.   Jam sessions are fun to participate in, but I just don't want to listen to them.     I did especially enjoyed the performance of Sean's song "Xanadu," because I had heard it before.

However, the highlight of the entire concert came at the end of the set, before the encore.    They performed the Beatles song, "Tomorrow Never Knows."   I have heard this song performed by countless bands over the years and no one ever does it justice.    But let me say that the Claypool Lennon Delirium nailed it.    It was amazing to witness this performance with Sean Lennon singing his Dad's part.    And while we know the song is 50 years old, it sounded fresh and fit in seamlessly into the rest of the set.     I couldn't help but think that John Lennon was smiling down on his son saying, "You did good with my song....I am proud of you son." 

I enjoyed the concert, but I am not going to purchase the CD of the Claypool Delirium.   It was fun to hear live, but just doesn't interest me enough to listen to outside of the concert.    Should you go check them out?  Sure!   If for no other reason than to hear "Tomorrow Never Knows." 

*As always all photos were taken by Sara Schmidt and copyright belongs to Sara.  Please ask before using any photos (although who would want to---I am terrible at concert photography!)

Beatles on Top of the Pops

50 years ago, on June 16, 1966 the Beatles mimed the songs Paperback Writer and Rain on live television on the show Top of the Pops.     Like many shows from the 1960's this performance was not saved, and was lost or taped over.    So the Beatles 1966 Top of the Pop performance has remained on the list of "Holy Grail" videos fans have been hoping to see.    Surely someone out there has some sort of a copy of this performance.   Even a fan that held up a 8mm home movie camera to the television for a few seconds would be a treat.   While there isn't any moving photos of the this performance there is a ton of photographs of both the rehearsal and the performance, so at least we have that!

Lennon & McCartney

Forever Beatle Friends

John in his driveway


Photo taken from a slide---I think this is a better version than what I have posted before.  Besides, how often did John wear orange?

An Interview with Ringo Starr


This is an interview Ringo did on April 17, 1975 with Ron Chapman in Dallas, Texas.   I found it in the "The New Beatles Fan Club" fanzine from 1975.

Ron:  Let's talk about your drumming.  Do you ever practice?

Ringo:  I've never practiced in my life; only with a band.  I've never been one who can sit in a room and go rump-a-bum you know, one of those.

Ron:  But it's true to say that after the split your technique of drumming has increased.

Ringo:  I've always been a good drummer.  I've always been put down as a drummer but I haven't fought it.  It's not in my nature to come out saying, "What are they saying I can't play!" I feel I'm the greatest drummer in my style.

Ron:  What other drummers do you like now?

Ringo:  Of course, Keith Moon; Jim Gordon's great and, ah, on the Ry Cooder album--I can't remember his name.

Ron:  Would it be true to say that you invented the "pudding" sound?

Ringo:  I really think so, because I loosen the skins so much and then I wrap some tea towels round them, and it makes it like thuddy, you know?

Ron:  When did you start it?

Ringo:  Oh, I guess it starts coming through on Revolver.   Yeah,  it came though then.

Ron:  Mal and Paul thought up Magical Mystery Tour, right?

Ringo:  Well, I think it was really Paul.  But I'm tired of going through that story (laughs)

Ron:  What's your  very favorite Beatles album?

Ringo:  Well, Abbey Road is awful good but really my VERY favorite is the White Album.

Ron;  Back in the Beatle days you were labeled cute and maybe even the dumb one.

Ringo:  Yeah, right.

Ron:  Well, how did you react to this?

Ringo:  That's them saying I couldn't play.  Though labels  have never bothered me.  As long as you know what you're doing, labels can't hurt you.   It was kind of fun because we'd make great jokes, about our names, that is.  (laughs)

Ron:  Have you seen, "Tommy?"

Ringo:  Oh yeah, of course.  I'm a movie-goer, or haven't you heard?

Ron:  What did you think?

Ringo:  Oh, "That'll be the day" is great!

Ron;  I mean "Tommy."

Ringo:  Well, I really liked it!  It's going to be a great smash!

Ron:  Well, Ringo we're just about out of time---

Ringo:  Goodnight from Vienna!

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