Channel: Meet the Beatles for Real
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Blending in

Fan art backstage


If you made this fan art for Paul, wouldn't you just die to see this photograph of Paul looking at it backstage?  

Back to the Beatles

With their only son

New hat

Needing a little Help

Eleanor and friends

How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

The Joker of Cavendish Ave.

Truth is Stranger than fiction: The story of Reed Pigman

The Beatles traveled back and forth through the United States during the 1964 summer tour in an American Flyers Airplane  Electra, N13H.  American Flyers Airlines had been founded in 1949 by a Texan named Reed Pigman.  Pigman was quite the pioneer in early aviation  and helped build airplanes during World War II.       Reed Pigman was the not Beatles' pilot while they flew on the Electra, but he sure was proud of have the Fab 4 on his airplane.

The AFA Electra N13H

However, Mr. Pigman was the Beatles pilot during one part of the tour.    As you will recall, after the Beatles left Houston,  Ruby Hickman arranged with her boss (Mr. Pigman himself) for the Beatles not to go to New York City on their day off as planned, but to have a nice day of rest and relaxation at the Pigman Ranch in southern Missouri.     The Electra landed in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas and the Beatles boarded a twin engine-seven seater plane with Reed Pigman flying the craft.    It was a scary flight for the Beatles, Brian and Ruby as George Harrison explained in the Anthology:
We flew from Dallas to an intermediate airport where Pigman met us in a little plane with the one wing, on top, and with one or maybe two engines. It was so like Buddy Holly, that one; that was probably the closest we came to that sort of musicians' death. I don't mean it nearly crashed because it didn't, but the guy had a little map on his knee, with a light, as we were flying along and he was saying, 'Oh, I don't know where we are,' and it's pitch black and there are mountains all around and he's rubbing the windscreen trying to get the mist off. Finally he found where we were and we landed in a field with tin cans on fire to guide us in.

Reed was able to maneuver the plane through the difficult conditions and the Beatles landed safely and enjoyed their time with the Pigman family and their ranch.

This Curt Gunther photo shows Ringo with the Pigman family at the ranch

However,  tragedy was right around the corner.    On April 22, 1966 Reed Pigman was flying the same airplane the Beatles used during the summer of 1964, the AFA Electra  N13H,    He was taking some young army recruits to Georgia.     It was a rainy, foggy night and Pigman was set to land in Oklahoma for refueling when he at the age of 59 suffered  a major heart attack.    The plane crashed near Ardmore, Oklahoma killing 83 of the 96 on board, including Reed Pigman.  

It is a very sad ending and yet an eerie one when you consider how George Harrison was scared of flying and considered his flight with Pigman as his "Buddy Holly moment." 

Reed Pigman and stewardesses just a month before the tragic accident

Rock n Roll circus

The British Grand Prix


July 14, 1977---George with a perm but still looking good at the British Grand Prix.  

Happy birthday wishes to Olivia

When George got together with Olivia, I am sure some fans were a bit disappointed that his marriage with Pattie didn't work out.   However, George's 2nd wife is a wonderful, intelligent, strong woman that was a great wife and mother.    I am sure you all join me in wishing Olivia Harrison a very happy birthday today.

The couple arrives for the memorial


 John and Cynthia arrive for Brian Epstein's memorial service.  

So I have a question.  Are memorial services in England typically held long after the person has passed away?    I understand that a memorial and a funeral at not the same thing, but all of the memorial services I have attended have occurred about a week or less after the person died.   It seems like all of the memorial services in England that I have seen:  Brian Epstein, Linda McCartney, George Martin, etc have been months after the person's death.      Is there a reason for this?

Hand holding on the honeymoon

What goes on: Spring 2016 MTBRF update


Hello Beatle friends!
There isn't a Wednesday review this week because I am reading Phillip Norman's new Paul McCartney biography and it is a long book.   So I figured this would be a good time to do an update on the blog.

As we head into the summer of 2016, I am excited to share photos and stories from the 1966 Beatles tour.   If you have any rare photos or stories from any concert from 1966 PLEASE share it with me!   Remember that these stories and photos are part of history and need to be preserved.

As you most likely have realized, I typically post five new blog posts a day Sunday - Thursday.   Things in the summer tend to get a little more sporadic and I might not be as predictable with updating the blog as I am during the school year.    Just know that I am still here!

If you have seen Paul during the One on One tour or Ringo on his All Starr tour and have stories or photos to share from the concerts, please send them in!   We all love new photos as well as the old ones.

Lastly, I am going to have another plea to buy my book "Happiness is Seeing the Beatles:  Beatlemania in St. Louis."   I thought that someone that reads this blog would order the book after I posted about it last week, but nope.      I understand that the Beatles in St. Louis might not be a topic all of you are interested in.    Fair enough.   However, I want to tell you that I put just as much work and care into the book as I do into this blog.    I interviewed fan that shared some amazing stories that include sneaking on planes and on the field to fainting and screaming.    I also interviewed members of the opening acts and various other living insiders.     And most importantly, I searched archives far and wide to locate and license RARE PHOTOS for the book!   Some of these photos were brand new to me when I discovered them.    Even if you don't care about the city of St. Louis, the photos alone are really amazing.   The book is 8 1/2 x 11 in size with 150 pages with color photographs (if available---many Beatles photos are black and white).   Books cost $25 each and shipping within the United States is $3.25.        You can pay through paypal and get a signed copy of the book at beatlesbusch66@gmail.com   or you can order it through Amazon.  

If you have any questions about the book you can email me at either the beatlesbusch email address or my regular Starshyne9 address and I will be happy to answer your questions.  

Peace and Love,
Sara S.

Rain...I don't mind!

How a school boy ended up in a Beatles promo

This article was found http://www.chiswickw4.com/default.asp?section=info&page=evchg130beatles.htm

A daily walk home from primary school took an exciting turn for two Chiswick schoolchildren and their mothers fifty years ago when they discovered the Beatles filming in Chiswick House grounds.  Recently, the Chiswick House & Gardens Trust,through Chiswickw4.com, asked people to come forward with their memories of the time when the four most famous people on the planet came to W4 to film the video for 'Rain' and 'Paperback Writer'

Shirley Bascran, who lived in Ennismore Avenue at the time, was taking her five year old son Jim home from Cavendish School, along with her friend Judy and her five-year old daughter Lisa. Their daily routine was to cross through Chiswick House and let the children play on the trees.
Shirley, who was also pushing a pram which had her younger child inside, was surprised to find a film crew inside the grounds and even more surprised when she recognised John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
"We stood and watched while it was going on. It was very exciting. I was struck by how tall John and Paul were. At one point somebody asked if they should tell the children to get down from the tree but one of the band said 'No, leave them'.
"We were surprised when we found out that Jim and Lisa could be seen in the background of the video- I think you can see it on You Tube . Of course we could never get a copy of the EP as we didn't have a record player - we were too hard up then. And I'd love to get a copy of the cover to have for the grandchildren but I don't know if we can."

She said the family often talked about the experience of becoming inadvertently connected with The Beatles through the video taken on that afternoon.

The five-year old boy Jim is now a retired Fire Officer and lives in Fleet, Hampshire, He is married with grown-up children. His childhood friend Lisa, now lives in Leicestershire.
Shirley lived in Chiswick for six years before moving to Old Isleworth where she spent the next forty years. She has now retired with her husband to Fleet to be near the family.

The school girl at Chiswick


This story was found at http://www.chiswickw4.com/default.asp?section=info&page=evchg132beatles.htm

Annie Evans (now Welburn) not only got to meet the Fab Four but was photographed with them and ended up on the front cover of the News of the World. 

And last week her two daughters visited Chiswick House to walk in their mother's footsteps and recall the day that catapulted her to national fame. Jessica and Laura, went on a trip down memory lane where their mother met the Beatles 50 years ago on May 20th.

Annie became a nurse, married Mick who was in the army and is mum to eight children. She is at present in a holiday home in Crete and this is her version of the story, as told to Lucinda Mac Pherson who is in charge of the project for the Chiswick House archives.

“The classroom in the girls school faced Chiswick House Gardens .... maybe there was a commotion out the front or someone ran and told us but the news was that the Beatles were in the park filming.

A few of us didn't need to be told twice ....We weren't phased by the consequences of running out of school; we were hysterical so that’s exactly what we did! Judy (Kenton,now Mcguire) was definitely with me...Im not sure who else but there was a handful of us totally excited! 

I think we ran through the Park gate that faced the boys school and headed for the open area near the conservatory. We were screaming at each other, on a mission to find where they were. We came to the open area near the conservatory. A wall ran alongside the conservatory at the back. We couldn't see anyone. I shouted out that I would climb the wall to have a better view. We were hyped up and whoever was still with me ran off.
So I climbed the wall!

From the top there seemed to be an allotment/vegetable garden behind the conservatory, (which was to my right) a sort of shed type building on my left and a pile of rubbish, (probably manure) directly beneath me.

I jumped down on to it anyway and headed for the veg garden in front of me........As I passed the shed the garden opened out and there ( about 8-10 yards away) play fighting and posing were Paul and Ringo. I think they were having photos taken but I was so shocked I wasn’t really concentrating!

I have no idea what face I was pulling. I know my legs felt like jelly and I wondered what to do.
I remember feeling sort of shy and silly at the same time and I really hated the fact I was in school uniform! but anyway they hadn't noticed me .

I started walking towards them wishing I had a friend with me to share such an unreal experience! Through the middle of the vegetable garden was a path that led towards the back of the conservatory and as I was probably taking my next step I saw George and John walking down the path. Another guy was in the background in dark glasses - they were all wearing those - I thought he was Brian Epstein. Anyway I also thought he may tell me to get out.
Then John saw me and called me over.

From that moment on I was in a dream world. John and George were really lovely. John did the talking. George put his arm round me and grinned. John asked me if I was at school which was obvious, I suppose. He asked me what I wanted to take for ‘O’ levels! He said he liked art and I did too. I told him I was taking it as an extra as my dad thought it was more sensible to choose chemistry! yuk! Paul and Ringo came over ... Paul said “Hiya” I was amazed how normal they were as I knew I would look weird as I was in a daze.

Whilst we were talking ...well they were, I just enjoyed walking with them and not being asked to leave. We were heading for the back of the conservatory....As we entered George asked would I like to stay and watch them play for a bit! Silly question really....He and John settled me in the corner of the room and they played........do you know I'm not sure what, maybe Paperback Writer or Rain.... but I was on another planet seriously!

I couldn't believe I was there!!! John even came over at one point to check I was alright!
It seems like I was there ages.... Ringo said he was hungry and they sent out for food. He sat in the back of the car with fish and chips (and peas I think )and asked me if i would like some....
I’m not sure when.... but they were aware schools were out and that loads of fans were out on the grass in front so they planned to go outside to play for everyone. Before they went. I think it was John or maybe Ringo who asked me where I lived. I told them near Heathrow. They asked if I needed a lift home! I CANT BELIEVE I said I was fine and that I didn't ask for any autographs either! but I DIDNT.

Instead I went outside with them. It was mad...so many of us!!! I sat on the lawn with some of my friends and heard them play....still in an absolute daze!!!

I had the best memory! But that wasn't all....... My photo..... I hadn't got a clue that one, well several, had been taken..... came out in the Beatles fan club magazine....and the following month fans were even asking if I was Jane Asher’s sister!

Even better, years and years later Whitaker who had stored photos in a barn in Australia, published his book which was promoted by Richard and Judy and included in the SUNDAY Express Supplement and seen by my dad (who had been mad at me at the time...He was going to phone the police as I got home late - 8PM....late in those days!)

Best of all my friend Judy, who I had lost contact with, saw the photos and published them in The News of the World and we met up again after many many years! " 

The Gardner's story

Kitchen Garden also has a story out about the Beatles filming.

50 years since The Beatles filmed two ground breaking music videos in Chiswick House grounds. 

It was 50 years ago today … May 20th, 1966, that the four most famous people on the planet strolled into a public park in West London to create two ground-breaking mini films which were to change the course of music history. And Chiswick House and Gardens Trust have tracked down a young gardener who was there and helped by ferrying the band's gear around.
The Beatles performed “Paperback Writer” and “Rain” in the iconic 18th century gardens of Chiswick House for promotional films that were the precursors of today’s ubiquitous music videos.
Up until then the few music promos in circulation had been straightforward studio performances, shot in black and white. But the legendary British rock band led the way, as they had in their music, creating two cutting edge films, for the first time venturing into full colour, shot on location in the verdant surroundings of Chiswick House gardens.
“Paperback Writer” opens with close ups of the Fab Four, still sporting their iconic Beatles mop hair, sitting on a bench in front of the Conservatory and a flowering wisteria. It has to be said, they look a tad bored. Then, with customary Beatles creativity and humour, it cuts to a close up of the head of an antique statue, as if he were the 5th Beatle. The film moves inside what is now a Grade 1 listed glass house with a 200 year old camellia collection, before switching to them performing in the gardens surrounded by more antique stone figures, thought to depict Caesar, Pompey and Cicero. Ringo whimsically creates a daisy chain.
Although the “B” side was called “Rain”, the day of the shoot remained fine and they are shown playing under the dappled light of shrubs and trees in the Wilderness, a series of serpentine paths in the grounds’ woodland. The opening shot is of Ringo, in what is now a cherry orchard, walking away from a group of secondary school children pressed against a locked gate, trying to get a glimpse of the famous four. Some primary school children got luckier, and can be seen climbing a cedar tree whilst the Beatles sit on the low lying branches playing their guitars.
John Kenton was an 18 year old gardener, working at Chiswick House in 1966. He was given the job of ferrying the band’s equipment round all day on a truck usually used for moving earth.
“It was very exciting. Quite an exceptional thing – the band were at the height of their fame. Just making films was unusual and most films were made in studios, not outside like this. They got there early in the morning and spent all day doing phrases and retakes as the technology was not so sophisticated in those days.
I remember they spent a lot of time between takes in the old 50’s caff. They all smoked constantly and looked very at home. Although other members of the public came in and were around when the filming took place they were very polite and left the band alone.
But then the word got out, so the dribble of people visiting the park became a flood. Pupils from the school over the road came, so the band took refuge in the potting sheds at the back of the Conservatory where the peacocks were kept.
My fondest memory is of John Lennon asking if he could ride my bike – it was a Moulton – then a modern bicycle and he had never ridden on one before. The other three stood watching and ribbing him as he cycled around the walled garden.”

Although the Beatles are long gone, fans and film aficionados still make the pilgrimage to the 65 acre heritage estate, cared for by the Chiswick House & Gardens Trust. It looks significantly better than it did, thanks to a major £12 million restoration in 2010 and is a popular setting for weddings, film and fashion shoots. There is a popular annual Camellia Show in February and March in the conservatory where a lot of the filming took place.
You too can follow in the footsteps of the Fab Four, free of charge, visiting the Exedra, the Wilderness, conservatory and walled garden and “Get Back” to where the Beatles made music history half a century ago.
Chiswick House, London, W4 2QN
Free public gardens open 7am – dusk daily
Conservatory opening times daily 10am – 4pm
Summer Sessions live music in the Gardens June 15th-19th

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