This is a short story written by Christel Lorenz for Bravo Magazine in 1968 about a trip she took to London and saw a lot of girls hanging around Paul's house. For those who were unable to make the trip to London during that time, I think it would have been surprising to learn that so many girls were hanging around Paul's house day and night....
I have just returnedfrom a14 daystay in England.Since I'm a bigBeatlesfan,Ivisited the house ofPaulMcCartneyin St.Johns Woodon the first day. Itwas of course a littleadventure for me to findPaul'shouse, becauseSt.Johns Woodisnot a small place.When I finallyasked someone on the street where I should turn to get to Paul'shouse, Iknew immediatelyit was his door. There wereat least 10 to12 girlssittingon the garden walland waiting until "her"Paulcame out.Sometimes when a fewwent away, otherswere added.But I neversaw theplacein frontPaul'shousecompletely empty.
As proof ofmyreportI presseda couple of timesonthetrigger of my camera box and can show you thesetwo pictures.