The guys arrived in New Dheli, as they had originally planned, late at night on July 5, 1966. They thought it would be a chance to escape their fame for a few days before heading back to London, because they figured that no one in India had heard of them. Boy were they wrong! In the middle of the dark, as they left the airport, they heard the screams and shouts of "Beatles! Beatles!" However annoyed they must have felt by that, it also must have been a relief from how they were treated just hours earlier.
The guys arrived in New Dheli, as they had originally planned, late at night on July 5, 1966. They thought it would be a chance to escape their fame for a few days before heading back to London, because they figured that no one in India had heard of them. Boy were they wrong! In the middle of the dark, as they left the airport, they heard the screams and shouts of "Beatles! Beatles!" However annoyed they must have felt by that, it also must have been a relief from how they were treated just hours earlier.