I am taking a short break from blogging because I am headed south to Walnut Ridge, Arkansas for the Beatles at the Ridge Festival. I will be speaking Saturday morning at 9:00am and I would love to see any blog readers there!
If you are able to make it to the festival, I highly recommend coming! It isn't just a small time fest, it is a two days full of Beatles fun! Besides myself Jude Southerland Kessler, Kit O'Toole, Robert Rodriguez and Richard Buskin, Lana Stagg, Rande Kessler, Seth Swirsky and Ivor Davis will all be there presenting as well as selling their books and other Beatles goodies. Liverpool Legends will close the event on Saturday night. So if you can make it to Walnut Ridge on September 18 or 19th, it will be worth your time!
This blog will return Monday with more stories, reviews and of course photos! I hope to see you at the Ridge!