Well Beatle friends it has come to the end of another successful tour! I don't know about you, but I sure had a fun time finding the photos and memories to share with you all about the 1965 Beatles tour and I learned some new things along the way.
I will be doing it all over again next August for the amazing Beatles 1966 North American tour! So if you have photos or stories from that tour that you want to share, it isn't too soon! I have already started collecting things and since it happens to be my favorite tour of the Beatles along with my favorite Beatle year, expect some awesome stuff in August 2016!
So now it is back to your regularly scheduled Meet the Beatles....for Real! Tomorrow I will bring back "Wednesday Reviews" as well as the usual rare photos and fun stories.
As always---if YOU saw the Beatles in person and have a photo and/or story to share--this is the place! Send your things to me at Starshyne9@yahoo.com and I will put them on the blog.