Since I would guess that most of you don't own the book Body Count by Francie Schwartz, I thought I would include here the paragraph she wrote about painting the Apple Boutique building to advertise for the Beatles new single. This takes place in the book after Francie and Paul's relationship had ended and Francie was back in the United States
One evening Paul had suddenly decided to go down to Apple and paint the sotrefront windows white. Nobody saw us leave but by the time we had fingered "Revolution" and "Hey Jude" in web paint on each of the windows a few reporters had gathered outside, wanting to know who I was and were there any truth to the rumors. Next morning, the Daily Sketch ran two half-columns headed, "Paul and Francie paint the town white" Witty. Keen-eyed newsmen much have picked that item up here because when I got home to Newark the phone didn't stop ringing, with reporters wanting tidbits about Paul, The Beatles, Apple. I wanted the phone cut off bit it wasn't my phone. After a week of telling them there was no story, I just hung up each time.